Friday, September 10, 2010

Event Tonight! Celebrate Boston, the 20th Fair Trade Towne!

A few months ago I brought you word that the Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream truck would be rolling through Boston neighborhoods for a month of the summer handing out free samples of some of their delicious ice cream.  Now, as all good things do, this has come to an end, however Ben and Jerry's is back TODAY for a very special ceremony.  Boston has been officially named a Fair Trade Towne, the 20th of its kind!!!  

This evening, starting off at 5:00 pm EST and running until 7:00 pm, there will be a ceremony at the Pru celebrating this achievement, and commemorating that Boston is now a part of the Fair Trade movement, one which is a long time coming.  The festivities include great live music from some local bands, free samples of products from certified Fair Trade companies such as (Autonomie Project Clothing Company, Ben & Jerry’s, Equal Exchange, Flat Black Coffee Company, Olde City Imports, Whole Foods Market, Green Mountain Coffee, etc), and a meet and greet with Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield (yes THAT Ben and Jerry!).  At 6:00 a formal program will commence with speakers:
·        Ryan Scott McDonnell, Fair Trade Boston Lead Organizer
·        Billy Linstead Goldsmith, Trans Fair and National Coordinator, Fair Trade Towns USA
·        Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, Co founders Ben & Jerry’s

This celebration kicks off the Fair Trade Futures Conference running September 10th through 12th.  For more information please visit:

The Fair Trade movement is an incredible one to be a part of, bringing equal and just treatment to all trade, across the world.  The goal is to ensure that every person, from every country, is treated equally when it comes to the trading market.  
By attending this great celebration this evening, you are not only kicking off your Friday evening with some great fun, and ice cream (come on- can you beat that?) but you are also pitching in and supporting a great cause- what could be better?

So-the low down- TONIGHT, 5:00 pm, at The Pru- celebrate Boston becoming the 20th Fair Trade Towne, and kick off the Fair Trade Futures Conference....and get free samples :-)

Happy Friday everyone!


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